Friday, July 3, 2009

Fan vs. Scala: Globals and Variables

This is the next installment in my series hoping to elucidate my own preferences for Fan after having been a fan of Scala. I realize that the same thing isn't for everyone. If Scala works for you, great, and feel free to comment and/or correct any of my mistakes. For today, I'm now moving on to global variables. Here was my claim from my original post:

3. Fan doesn't encourage or even support global variables. It has an almost Erlang level of attention to concurrency. (Hopefully, people don't abuse 'object' in Scala for global vars, but I fear it's an easy trap, at least for newbies.)

This was perhaps one of my most unfair comparisons, but I still think there are interesting points to be made here.

One of the first questions is, what globals? When I speak of globals, I speak of globally accessible objects. Being in a namespace doesn't make something less global, for my present concerns. Such globals include types, packages/pods, and static functions/methods and variables/constants. Anything not "injected" (passed in from outside) is a global, really.

Here's where Scala takes an interest variation from most common languages. There are no "statics" in Scala. That's actually a nice simplification in ways. Instead of static members, you define singleton objects, like so (Scala here):

object OneAndOnly {
val favoriteNumber = 3
def favoriteDoubled() = 2 * favoriteNumber

Then you have an object accessible as 'OneAndOnly' (in whatever package), and you access its members sort of like you'd access statics in Java (or C++ or C# or Fan or such languages). See perhaps a more authoritative discussion in section 11 of this article. Singletons are also how you make applications in Scala:

object HelloWorld {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Hello, world!")

Here's my main complaint: I'm a big dependency injection fan, with or without a framework to do it for me. I think singletons are teh evil. I don't want them to be easier to do. I'd sort of like to see a language without static access to type names and such like, though at some point it gets in the way of convenience, and sneaky tricks behind the scenes (classloader tricks and bytecode manipulation in Java, perhaps) can still inject behavior. Lots of pros and cons floating around here. But in any case, I'll at least stick to not encouraging singletons. I'm sure you could make (constant) singleton objects in Fan the old-fashioned way, but I don't recommend it.

Here's hello world in Fan, by the way:

class HelloWorld {
Void main() {
echo("Hello, world!")

I could have made 'main' static or allowed for args or whatnot, but Fan also allows simple modes like this where it instantiates a (non-singleton) HelloWorld object for you.

Anyway, where I was unfair in my original point for Fan vs. Scala was saying that Scala encourages global variables. It's not true. Scala encourages singletons, and you can have variables in those singletons, but every tutorial in Scala encourages the use of 'val' (think 'final' in Java) and 'def' (making methods) over 'var' (non-final vars or in other words, actual variables). While it's just as easy to say 'var', everyone will encourage you not to do so. Furthermore, they have lots of immutable types in the Scala standard library. That said, it might be easy to fall into the trap of using mutable vals or even just vars in your singletons. Especially if you aren't versed in the art of functional programming.

Fan, on the other hand, doesn't let you make global variables. And I'm talking your static members have to be 'const' not just 'final'. Further, closures are tracked dynamically for whether they reference non-const items, and you can't start a thread with access to mutable state from outside (Fan here, skipping into the middle of a method for convenience):

pool := ActorPool()
nums := [1, 2, 3]
a := Actor(pool) |Obj msg| {
echo("$ $msg")
nums[0]++ // <-- Error to reference non-const locals outside this block.

This nicely skirts the issues with 'final' or not for Java closures. (See more on Fan threading here, where I modified the above sample from.) And if I remember right in Fan (not double-checked right now), this is figured out at runtime. That is, some 'const classes' are known to be have const instances at compile time. But some types (such as List and Map) might have const instances or not. So a runtime check can tell whether a closure is const or not, too.

It might be possible these days to pass around non-const messages between actors in Fan. I'm not sure, but the idea would be that only one actor should own a mutable object at a time. I don't recall the details. Someone who's more expert on this should feel free to chime in.

In any case, while Scala pushed immutable, it doesn't hold you to it the same way that Fan does. And sometimes code development just flows in the path of least resistance. That least resistance should keep your code clean, in my opinion, and I think Fan is stronger here.

That said, Fan best practices do not emphasize final locals the same way that Scala does. Least resistance in Fan has all kinds of non-final mutability in your local scope (Fan here):

evenCount := 0 // Hey, look! I'm not final!
[1, 2, 3].each {
if (it % 2 == 0) {
evenCount++ // Okay since Fan knows you are using this in the same thread.

Personally, I like the mixture of mutable local state but const globals and cross-thread data. Apparently some other folks like the same style. See, for example, this discussion of the Reia programming language that allows non-final vars while compiling to Erlang's BEAM virtual machine. Good stuff, in my opinion, though I can't claim to be the super expert here. Just speaking from my own experience and understanding.

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